Please note that any content or links to these resources exist solely for informational purposes. ACLU of RI does not promote or exclusively favor any of the listed resources, but instead mentions them as a neutral, separate third party. ACLU of RI also cannot guarantee that the information provided is up to date.
Other Legal Assistance
- RI Lawyer Referral Service: Private attorney referrals from the RI bar; 401-421-7799
- RI Legal Services: A private, non-profit that provides legal services for low-income individuals related to public benefits; legal services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault; low income taxpayer clinics; housing stability projects; affordable housing, including foreclosures and housing discrimination; legal services for veterans; protection and support for elders facing abuse and exploitation; public education for low-income students and familes. 401-274-2652
- Rhode Island Center for Justice: Non-profit public interest law center that practices in areas including housing, immigration, workers’ rights, criminal justice, education, and utility shutoffs; 401-491-1101
- Criminal Cases: For criminal matters, if you are indigent, you can contact the Office of the Public Defender; 401-222-3289
- DORCAS International: low-cost legal services for immigration and citizenship issues, translation services, employment services, education and training; 401-784-8600
Attorney Complaints: If you have a complaint about an attorney, call the RI Judiciary Disciplinary Board at 401-823-5710.
Judge Complaints: If you have a complaint about the conduct of a judge, call the RI Commission on Judicial Tenure and Discipline at 401-615-5228.
Employment Discrimination Complaints:
- RI Commission for Human Rights; 401-222-2661
Other Discrimination Complaints:
- RI Dept. of Education, Civil Rights; 401-222-4600
Veterans Rights: If you have concerns about Veterans' rights, contact the Rhode Island Office of Veterans Services at 401-921-2119
Consumer Protection: RI Attorney General's Consumer Protection; 401-274-4400
Disability Rights: Disability Rights RI is part of the national network of Protection and Advocacy (P&A) agencies created by Congress, existing in every state and territory, to help secure and advance the rights of people with disabilities; 401-831-3150
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