On the issues below and other matters, you may want to seek legal assistance through the Rhode Island Bar Association referral service at 401-421-7799 or by going to https://ribar.com/

Please note that any content or links to these resources exist solely for informational purposes. ACLU of RI does not promote or exclusively favor any of the listed resources, but instead mentions them as a neutral, separate third party. ACLU of RI also cannot guarantee that the information provided is up to date.

United Way of Rhode Island has a list of community resources and can be contacted by calling 211 or by clicking this link for location-specific resources including:

  • Criminal Justice and Legal Services
  • Tax Assistance
  • Housing/Shelter
  • Food
  • Utilities
  • Basic Needs
  • Healthcare
  • Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
  • Seasonal Assistance
  • Victim Services
  • Transportation
  • Veteran’s Assistance
  • PLUS Resources for adults >55 or with disabilities