The Gala PVD

November 15, 2024 @ 6:00 pm

The ACLU of Rhode Island is honored to have been chosen as the 2024 beneficiary of The Gala PVD — an annual creative black-tie event organized by The Stable. This year's gala, on November 15, 2024, will raise awareness of, and funds for, our work protecting LGBTQ+ rights and other civil liberties in Rhode Island. You can learn more about the event on The Gala PVD's website.

Get a ticket Get a ticket for an extravagant experience including dinner, a drag show, an auction, and a night of dancing. Tickets are on sale now!
Be a sponsor Check out The Gala PVD's sponsorship packet and additional information about how you can help support the LGBTQ+ community.
Make a donation If you can't make it to the gala but still want to contribute, you can give directly to the ACLU of RI or participate in the auction remotely.

Want to learn more about the ACLU's work protecting LGBTQ+ rights? We were instrumental in the very first Rhode Island Pride Parade in 1976, filing a successful lawsuit on behalf of local advocates who had initially been banned by the City of Providence from holding the parade.

Read more about some of our cases defending LGBTQ+ rights in Rhode Island over the decades.

Special thanks to The Stable!