Please read ALL the information below before filing a complaint. NOTE: If you have a complaint about police misconduct, click here.
If you wish us to consider your complaint, please fill out our complaint form and mail, email, or fax it to:
128 Dorrance Street, Ste 400
Providence, RI 02903
Fax: (401) 831-7175
Email: [email protected]
All complaints must be submitted in writing.
We rely solely on volunteer attorneys to do our legal work, and we have no paid legal staff. Therefore, we do not provide legal advice over the phone or in-person.
As a general rule, the complaint process takes between 4-6 weeks.
If we decline your case or need more information, you will usually be informed within that timeframe by mail or phone. If it is an emergency, we will try to review the matter as soon as possible.
Our resources are very limited, and we handle only a small number of cases.
We are funded through private donations, and we do not receive any government money. Because of this, we cannot take every worthy case that comes our way.
A decision that we cannot assist you is not necessarily a determination that you have no legal claims.
You should instead feel free to consult with a private attorney who can review your complaint in greater detail. In addition, if we think there are other organizations that may be able to help you, we will provide you with their contact information.
Although there are exceptions, examples of cases that the we generally do not handle include:
- Criminal cases
- Cases outside of Rhode Island
- Divorce, child custody or support cases
- Private employment disputes
- Civil disputes between private individuals.
If you are unsure whether your complaint involves a matter that falls within our jurisdiction, you can call our office at (401) 831-7171 to make a brief inquiry. Find additional legal services here.